I’m sorry you had a rough coming-down from last night. I know from my experiences, at least, that it kind of happens in proportion to the amount of raucousness/debauchery/super fun sexy times that were had, especially if it involved other people. But it’s totally normal, and you’re still an awesome person with people who care about you and nothing bad is going to happen. You’ve got this. Maybe give yourself today to relax and reconcile things and have some ice cream/bathtime/tv self-care. :) <3


Thank you so much. This is wonderful advice! I’m half-packing, half-selfcaring right now and belting out some old school Destiny’s Child and having a little ball all by myself. 

To everyone else, I so appreciate your messages and kind words. You all give me so much encouragement and so much strength to do the things I know make me happy.

<3, Ivy

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