
It was a game she enjoyed playing when she had an afternoon alone. She had honed the craft well, gradually introducing more complicated ties that threw her into even deeper reaches of helplessness.

Still, she kept the emergency shears close and maintained a few failsafes should her little adventures take a wrong turn.

Despite the provisions, she still managed to immerse herself in the sensation of powerlessness at the hands of an imaginary captor. And, today, with the implementation of the clamps, she felt herself drifting even deeper into the fantasy that she had built.

“You should really put a chain between them.”

Her eyes shot open just in time to watch her roommate swipe the shears out of the way.

“That’s not how these work,” she continued, eliciting a frantic squeal from her bound friend as she tugged the clamps tighter. “See? The chain’s supposed to help increase the pressure as it gets pulled. Make sense?”

And though she grew frantic as she watched her roommate – who she could have sworn would be out for the afternoon – play her fingers over her trapped body, she could not help but grin around the gag as she realized she had gotten exactly what she wanted.

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