

Yooou guuuys.

Thank you for all the kindness and support and the reblogs and the pre-orders of my e-book, Sweetheart. You’ve managed to raise over 10% of the “goal” (which is super flexible and not really in stone) in 24 hours since I launched this. I’m amazed.

So, you know, if we do this every day for the next 36 days… (because that’s totally how it works, right? :p).

Seriously, though. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 

And thank you for the feedback on the indiegogo, I’ve fixed/am fixing the following:

  1. You no longer have to give your shipping address for the perks that don’t involve anything being shipped. Obviously, any information (personal emails, addresses, etc) I’m getting I’m keeping massively confidential because duh. You all have too much of my love and respect for me to pull that crap.
  2. For people who didn’t want to buy the book but wanted to show support, you now have the option of donating $1 as per someone’s suggestion.
  3. I’m still sorting out paypal for the people who wanted that option. Unfortunately, it’s complicated and requires being a verified business (I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.) so I’ll hopefully have that set up soon!

More suggestions/comments/concerns always welcome.

I promise to keep my posts about Sweetheart fairly minimal because I don’t want to turn this space into a pimping ground for my writing. I like the community I’ve got here and I hate the idea of “monetizing.” But, I was so thrilled by the initial turnout that I had to post a giant thank you!

In case you missed it, you can pre-order Sweetheart, which will be out on August 1, on here

Okay, enough pimping and back to the porn before Yahoo does us all in. 

But thank you again!

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