A Tangent on Closed-Mindedness


I am interrupting my sexy theme to just jot down some thoughts I have about something that just happened at work. Bear with me, skip if you like.

My boss is incredibly racist, sexist and homophobic. She’s at an age where she should really be retired. As a result, she’s cranky and generally unpleasant. I put serious consideration into quitting, but the children I work with love me, I love them and I couldn’t bear to leave them.

Well, today our ceiling leaked and the superintendent of the building I work in called in a repair man. He was Hispanic, spoke very little English, and this irritated my boss to no end. She kept complaining to me, with no evidence, that the man was lazy and a terrible worker and would not paint over the part of the ceiling he had removed. She had never worked with him in the past and was, honestly, just judging based on his race. When I told her I’d ask him if he would, she just snapped back that he wouldn’t and not to.

But, I speak Spanish and figured it was worth a try. I approached him and asked him about the paint. Lo and behold, the guy said of course he was going to. And if we didn’t have enough paint, he’d go out and try to find a color to match and be back.

When I relayed this information to my boss, she rolled her eyes and told me he wouldn’t and the man was “useless”. When he finished his work, she didn’t thank him. Shocked, I ran outside after him and gave him the thank you he deserved for his work. It was sort of crazy to me how little dignity my boss afforded the guy.

In thinking about this though, I start to think about what I’m going to be like when I’m old. While I’m fine with all sorts of “taboos” and I’m a supporter of cultural sensitivity, diversity and equality, I worry that there’s going to be a point where I’ll be crotchety and bigoted against something. What, I have no idea. But I figure even some of the radicals of yesteryear are prejudiced against something now. And, God, I hope that isn’t me one day.

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