
Her (yes, I’m aware, I need to finish my little tell-all about a certain spanking from her) response to my costume as we walked up to my room to grab my phone and keys:

“You look hot, just avoid try going upstairs or bending over. And I’d suggest wearing something a little more substantial than that thong.”

I’d originally planned on going as something entirely different. I was getting dressed in my room with a friend who was headed off on a date of sorts and wanted my opinion. As we were dolling her up, she looked me over and said, “wait, now, what are you supposed to be?”

“I guess I’m like going on a safari or something,” I shrugged.

She laughed, “you look like a teacher. Wait a second.” She fished through my desk and handed me a ruler before saying, “and nobody goes on a safari in heels. Go change out of those shorts. Do you have a miniskirt?”

I can’t say I was ever huge on the whole “sexy teacher” fascination. But, when I wound up having crazy fun smacking my giggling friends on the ass with a ruler, I made an exception. 

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