
The First Time Ivy Tried Knifeplay, Part 3

(part 2 can be found here) (part 1 can be found here

I was a never a huge fan of having my, or anyone else’s, panties in my mouth. Mostly because cotton gets all waterlogged and nasty, lace becomes scratchy, so on and so forth. And, on top of that, I really don’t like the taste of lace, cotton, etc mixed with the taste of a woman. The second one can be damn good on its own. But with some sort of textile? Blegh.

Now tasting myself and praising my choice of wearing thin, cotton panties, I was going over in my head the details of my situation – the being blindfolded whilst tied down to my girlfriend’s bed as she hovered over me with something only slightly less threatening than a sushi knife – when I heard the wooden handle settle onto her bedside table. At least she had put the knife down.

She started smacking over my thighs, causing me to jump and whimper and quiver with each hit. She stopped when they were stinging, practically screaming with what I’m sure was blatant redness. It was then that she straddled the left one and started to get herself off, eliciting a whimper from my lips each time her knee brushed my desperate sex. 

I wanted her so badly. I wanted anything right now. She knew her effect on me when she pleasured herself on me, but she just took her sweet time in acknowledging it. Her hand moved down to my breast, squeezing and twisting my nipple painfully until I cried out around my panties.

And finally, after what had seemed too long, her fingers sank between my legs. “Does slutty want to cum?” she cooed. I bit down hard on the panties, trying not to scream in frustration as I nodded. She pressed on harder, not giving explicit permission until what felt like forever. 

When I had finally regained composure, she removed the blindfold and smiled down at me as my focus returned. She pulled my panties from my mouth and held the sopping wet mess of fabric in front of my face. I had bitten down so hard at some points that I had literally munched holes into my panties. I laughed dryly as she leaned up to remove my cuffs and I tried my hardest not to just pass out from exhaustion right there.

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