
The issue with my future roommate has nothing to do with Switch. He and I are not in a relationship, we are not monogamous. Last night was actually basically my last night with him before he departs for the real world for his grown up job. 

The problem is in the fact that I will be living with her and that there is this sexual tension there. 

So, yes, nothing to do with Switch. He’s not my boyfriend. 


So, last night my friend turned 21. Since I gave up drinking for Lent, my tolerance is now shot to shit and I get drunker faster. Much, much faster. With much, much less alcohol.

With an amount consumed that would normally not do too much damage, I found myself accidentally drunk on a Tuesday. Whoops.

Of course, naturally, I run into that guy from my frat and say some stupid stuff. Just par for the course. But, he texted me this morning to make sure I was okay, which was sweet of him.

But, ugh, too many times he’s encountered me drunk and I don’t want him to just think I’m a mess. He sees me sober a lot, but he misses me somehow on nights out when I manage to keep my shit together (the greater percentage of nights out). He asked me to formals recently and I consented, but of course now I’m worried I’ll wind up drunk and making a fool of myself there.

Part of me wants to just make him go away before I continue to just mess up over and over. He’s way too nice and understanding about the whole thing and I worry eventually I’ll push that kindness to its breaking point and he’ll just get sick of me.
