
Something personal, I suppose.

A bunch of you have expressed some concern about the Southern Gentleman and I, which is very sweet of you. First of all, I want to assure you that on a personal level we are totally fine. Go on my facebook page and there’s a bunch of silly crap flying around my wall (I think we call it a timeline now? I can’t keep up) between the two of us. Just last night my phone lights up before I go to sleep and I find a text from him saying, “I think I’m the Donaghy to your Lemon.” (Ugh, it’s true.)

The issues aren’t stuff that would completely rip everything to shreds. But I do feel like we need to step back and take a deep breath. Some of the circumstances are a little difficult. Not explosive fights difficult. Not even some sort of subtle something that starts to really hurt. But sticky stuff that you don’t really notice too much but then starts to bother you just a little bit. Stuff that just gets overcomplicated by being too physical.

So, thank you for your concern, but I can assure you things are fine. 


kathryn of kitsune-kun