
I’m back, bitches. 

No, I didn’t meet her there. Oh, but if only. 


Hopefully I run into a few of these on my trip there.

That’s right, I’m going off to Harvard for the weekend! My friend has a friend there, and so a few of us are joining her on a road-trip/weekend getaway. I’ll get back on Monday. I was going to add a bunch of things to my queue, but I got a little lazy/sick. 

What can you do when I’m off in beautiful Cambridge? Go look at all the wonderful tumblrs I constantly follow and reblog. Leave me something fun in my askbox so I’ve got a bunch of things to post and questions to answer when I get back. Or, I don’t know, just take a walk.

<3, Ivy

PS: This is not an invitation to come looking for me. Just thought I’d put that out there.