


You ever stop and watch someone completing the most mundane routine – like grocery shopping, or filling their car with gas again and again and again – and question how dare they mistake these movements for living? Then ask yourself why you do the same? 

The question here is really less “How DARE someone assume they are living as the go forth collecting food and securing shelter!”  than it is, “Perhaps, good sir, I am an asshole who expects someone ELSE to do the grocery shopping and maintenance activities so that I might Truly Live at the top of the Living Pyramid, whilst my icy gaze pierces through the mundane veil of busywork, to see the Absolute Truth of respirational authenticity.”

If a thing is invisible to you as Required Work for True Living, you might take a second to wonder about those lesser mortals who are supposed to wash the underwear. Humping that bourgeoisie dream where everyone has perfect teeth and wonderful hair and meaningful labor, but no one knows they need to change the filters in the car or the household appliances? It’s a little weird.

The money for mustache wax has to come from somewhere, Monty Beragon.

^ I love this woman.