dear ivy, this is pretty much irrelevant, but i just wanted you to know: you have a twin. the more i read your blog (i found it yesterday), the weirder it gets. i am a 20 year old college girl living in a dorm at a large university. also, i’m submissive, bisexual, and dating a southern gentleman who takes his politics obsession out on my ass. i also had an eating disorder in high school; i also never spoke about it. anyway. thank you for writing. i think you are great. carry on.


Hi there! 

Your message is not irrelevant at all! I’m glad that you’re enjoying my tumblr and it’s super cool that we’ve got some stuff in common. It does upset me that you had an eating disorder in high school as well and I do hope that you’re doing better and being healthy.

But, yeah, here’s to the political southern gentlemen of the world. And submissiveness. And bisexuality. And being college girls, one of the most marginalized and essentialized populations in pornography.

<3, Ivy

PS: I think you’re great, too.

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