


listen: fight club and pulp fiction are good movies, i love them both personally, but if a guy (and you KNOW the type of guy i mean) says they are his Favorite Movies then u need to run. RUN. plan ur exist exit strategy now. if ur texting him then just make something up. “haha i gotta go now. it was nice talking to you. bye!” if you’re somewhere with him just leave. do parkour if you have to. run like the wind. get away from that man

Even David Fincher, who directed Fight Club, agrees with this:

“My daughter had a friend named Max. She told me ‘Fight Club’ is his favorite movie,” he said. “I told her never to talk to Max again.” (link)

Story time.

One time I was at this party and talking about my favorite movie. And this guy boisterously cuts in and is like, “no, that’s terrible. That movie is so pretentious and in on its own joke. That cannot be your favorite movie, that is ridiculous.”

At this point in the night I’ve had a little bit to drink and I’m not in the mood. So I kind of look at him for a second and say, “let me guess, your favorite movie is fuckin’ Fight Club or something.”

He kind of shifts a bit and goes, “…yeah.”

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