I don’t want children. I’ve thought about it a lot, and I just don’t feel the pleasure of having/raising children is worth the career, financial, and general freedom I’d have to give up. But as a cis woman, I find there are some moments where I see a newborn and there’s this powerful longing inside me. Frankly, it scares me a little. I don’t want to be a slave to my biology.


(Cont’d: Shoot I hit ask before I finished. Anyway, my question was, does this ever happen to you and what’s your take on it? I’m asking you because you’re a woman I respect a lot.)

Honestly, I go back and forth on the kids thing myself. On one hand, I’m ambitious and I have a lot of crap I want to get done. And children are a massive commitment. On the other, I have a good sense with children and I think I would be a pretty good mother.

I think it’s fine to be confused and ambivalent. Healthy, even.

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