You’re a rude bitch.


I assume this is in reference to this dude asking me three damn times in a row for my snapchat and not getting the hint.

I should say it’s a little rude to just write me with “Snapchat?”, so that’s why the first gif was posted.

It’s a little ruder to just be like, oh clearly this girl didn’t understand me, let me shout the question at her again: “Do you have a snapchat?”

If you want to talk to me, the polite thing to do is to reach out and introduce yourself. Like, hi, my name is suchandsuch, I really like your blog. You seem really interesting, and I am getting interested in (insert kink here) that you post about. I’ve got these questions, and I was wondering if we could discuss them.

I have honestly made great friends on tumblr – people who later got things like my kik, phone number, etc – with people who sent me respectful messages like this with a genuine angle to get to know me. Not with the angle of, “well, I’ve masturbated to all the photos she posted, and now I want some more because I’ve decided I’m special and entitled to them, and she should clearly trust me.”

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