god the fact that you make your ivy league school such a huge part of your identity is a major turn off. you probably don’t care what randos on the internet think but you should just know you come off as really pretentious and superficial.


This is a blog almost exclusively about my sex life, the very essence of this kind of blog is incredibly superficial.

As for making it a huge part of my identity: I use Ivy because it also relates to my real name in a cute way and I appreciated the coincidence. I really don’t see myself capitalizing on it all that much and I honestly don’t think most people reading this make the connection between Ivy and Ivy League. I actually don’t talk about where I went to school until other people bring it up. Like, uh, now.

But thank you, person who has decided to completely avoid backing themselves up with an identity by posting anonymously, for telling me how I should be presenting myself. Can you please come back and hold my hand and tell me more about how to live my life properly in order to better turn you on?

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