My boyfriend and I discovered that we are into wax play. But we don’t exactly how to do this. Can you give us some advice? Also, how was your first time in wax play? (Sorry for the awkwardness, I’m a huge fan of your blog.)


Hi there! Not awkward at all, and congratulations on discovering something new and exciting you are into!

The first time I tried wax play, I was doing it to myself while someone else guided me through it. I actually really think this was the best way to introduce myself, because it allowed me some relative control over the wax and it gave me the opportunity to learn my tolerances and my breaking points. Also, having that person there allowed for some encouragement, especially when I’d get nervous at the last second and he’d reassure me to give it a go. 

Some tips:

  1. Always, ALWAYS have a system of safe words in place. Especially if you’re doing this within the context of non-consent. 
  2. They sell special wax play candles designed for this sort of thing. I would totally suggest getting those.
  3. If you don’t spring for wax play candles, absolutely DO NOT use candles made of beeswax. They have a high burning temperature. This means when the wax finally starts to drip, it’ll be pretty freaking hot. Paraffin is typically best for its low burning point. And, ironically, the best wax play I’ve ever done was with those religious candles with the saints on them because the long, glass tube allows you to hold them firmly and they have a rather low melting point. So go for those. Be sacriligious and filthy. Fetishize that if you’d like. 
  4. Have a towel soaking in water handy for the oft-chance you feel as if you may have burned or hurt yourself. This has never happened to me, but it’s a good precaution to take. Also useful is aloe vera.
  5. Remember that whatever goes onto you has to be peeled off. Generally, putting wax on areas with hair, such as the forearm, will hurt more coming off than putting areas on bare areas, such as the stomach. 
  6. The farther you hold the candle from the body when you drip the wax, the less hot the wax will be when it hits you. So, start far and move closer.
  7. You can remove the wax with your fingernail once it has cooled. If the area is hairless, it’ll typically come right up. If there’s hair, it’ll take a little work. 
  8. Try combining wax play with ice. It’s super super squirm-inducing and the mix of hot and cold can be a lot of fun. 
  9. Be mindful that wax can totally spill onto stuff and ruin it, such as bedsheets and rugs. Either put something down to catch stray wax OR research how you can remove wax from whatever you’re working on prior to doing the wax play, just in case.
  10. Always communicate clearly and openly about how you’re feeling. Pushing yourself can be fun, but overdoing it can be painful.

I hope this helps!


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