once you get this you must share five random facts about yourself. then pass this on to your ten favorite followers (◡‿◡✿)<3


All righty.

  1. I’ve got three Hello Kitty bandaids on my knees today because I was a total klutz yesterday running and fell over absolutely nothing around the 3 mile mark. Still pulled out another four miles, though. And, yes, I have Hello Kitty bandaids.
  2. Lately, I’ve been able to revisit some music I used to not be able to listen to and it’s been feeling a lot better. Which is good, because I used to love that music.
  3. One of my favorite followers/a very good friend is visiting here in January.
  4. I missed two freaking orgies/sex parties this year from being in my new city. TWO. You know how many I got invited to when I lived near them? ZERO.
  5. I just joined up with the kink group for my area on Fetlife and I’m trying to get up the courage to maybe go to a munch or something after the holidays.

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