I think Lolita was incredible. But it made me almost lose my mind and it generally fucked me all up. I don’t say it wouldn’t be amazing book of so painful subject as it is. But sometimes it really overwhelmed me too much and it was really painful to read. Have you liked it even it’s so hard subject? I know what you said in your post but since English isn’t my mother language and I haven’t studied it much as I should have (because of my own reasons) it leave me a bit confused. :)


So far, I like it quite a lot. It’s a really well-written, really impressive book.

My issue is more with the fact that I watch a lot of people sexualize it and I’m like woah no no no this wasn’t a consensual relationship in the least. And it’s not a love story at all, it’s a lot more compelling than that, but it’s not even a whisper of a love story.

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