Just one quick question. You’re nowhere near the funding goal of ‘Sweetheart’ but you’re already sending copies out? So that means you already did the work of writing it? As a prospective buyer, why should I help contribute to the $2000 when you’ve already finished it… don’t you think the claim you put for formatting expenses and wanting a laptop and planning to move to California all really… well, not that I want to be unkind, kinda bullshit then? xoxo Lorna

  1. I’m sending copies out because I said I would send the book out when it was finished. I figured people would read it, say kind things, build some hype. I originally was just going to throw it up on amazon, but I received some suggestions for the indiegogo from people who wanted to donate more than just the $5 for the book. And, some people have. Which has been kind and wonderful and totally appreciated. 
  2. I paid for the formatting expenses ahead of time, I listed them in terms of reimbursement and being transparent about what I’ve put into this book.
  3. CALIFORNIA? Where did I ever say California? California is MUCH more than 500 miles away from where I live (and I never said I was moving West). The Ivy League is on the East Coast. The East and West coasts of the United States are over 3000 miles apart. I am not moving to California.

So I’m not sure what you think is bullshit. I was transparent with people about the laptop because, yeah, I wrote most of Sweetheart on a fucking cell phone. And I think it turned out damn good regardless. 

I have a flexible funding goal because I don’t *need* to make 2000 off of Sweetheart to consider what I’ve done a success. I included the laptop to tell people what I’d be putting the money to after I’d raised enough to reimburse myself for the expenses (which I have already, so I guess crowdfunding mission accomplished?). I’m proud of myself for being dedicated to this project, for doing something I’ve kind of wanted to do for a while, for being brave enough to really put myself out there and for, yeah, writing the thing on a goddamn cell phone. 

So there’s the answer to your “one quick question” (I counted three). I’m not sure what you consider bullshit. I thought releasing the book early only legitimized the project more. I think it’s a *good thing* I crowdfunded for something I had “already did the work” of writing as opposed to making people throw money at something that was just an idea, which I thought would make it seem like a better investment. I had been working on Sweetheart since May and I launched the indiegogo in July when I had enough of the book to be sure I could a) make the release date and b) keep my promises. 

Once the indiegogo is over, I’m throwing Sweetheart up on amazon as per my original plan. 

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