Selling Out


So, in order to get to my dream grad school next year, I need to raise some money. 

For the miscellaneous expenses, my financial aid is pretty good, but there’s shit that I do need to be able to pay for.

After hearing a bunch of my followers say this and not taking it seriously, I am now giving real consideration to writing and selling a book of erotica.

You heard me.

But I sort of want to get a feel for the level of interest in that. Obviously, you all would probs be my main market. And I think it could be a lot of fun to write. It would all be original material, maybe loosely based on some of the shit that has gone down here.

So, ah, show of hands. Just like this post. If I wrote an erotic novel, would you buy it?  It would probably be like less than 5 bucks.

Also, suggestions and everyone else would be appreciated.

<3, Ivy

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