TAG. YOU’RE IT. The rules are to state 5 random facts about yourself. Then, go to ten favorite blogs and tell them they are it. :)


Welp. Here’s another one, I guess. 

1. I had a stress dream last night that included my mother thinking she had found my tumblr. However, she was strangely proud of me until I realized she had found a different person’s tumblr. She had put these selfies taken by the real proprietress of the tumblr up on the refrigerator because she thought they were artistic and I was like, “wow, Mom”.

2. I started weight-lifting about a year and a half ago and I love it. No, I don’t mean I just do a bunch of bicep curls.

3. My drunk food is usually Twizzlers. 

4. I fluctuate between periods of impeccable cleanliness and just leaving everything on the floor. Right now, my room is more representative of the second category. 

5. I’m turning 22 in a month and ten days and that’s just like whaaat. 

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