
I have off-handedly mentioned on here a few times my freckle. It’s kind of famous.

However, recently, it’s gotten larger and darker. To the point that it’s still kind of cute but people constantly confuse it with dirt or food or other random smudges on my face. Lately, I have been trying to hide it with makeup, something I never did before. Just because I was tired of people trying to pick it off of my face.

So, I recently went and saw a dermatologist and she was all about slicing it out to make sure it’s nothing too bad and was like, “oh, I can do it right now if you want and you’ll just be swollen for a week and blah blah also you’ll have a scar and we’re going to need to biopsy it.”

I told her to slow down and made an appointment for next week. Honestly, I’m a little sad to have to see my signature freckle go. Also, I’m a little sad about how much something that’s “probably not cancer but we need to check anyway” costs. Ugh.

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