
I want hard spankings. I like hard spankings. I love the way my ass feels afterwards, I love the dynamic during. But when it comes to actually getting them, I’m a big baby. A few hits in and I’m whining for the person delivering them to stop. 

However, if they acquiesce to my pleas, I automatically want them to just keep spanking me. It’s not that I don’t know what I want. I know what I want. I want someone to unflinchingly give me a long, hard spanking while I lie over their knee and squirm and beg for them to stop. Except, they don’t stop.

This is one of the things I appreciate about safewords. It marks a difference between an in-scene “stop” to enhance the dynamics (and account for the natural impulse to tell someone to stop hitting you) and a legitimate, serious word that establishes that limits are being pushed and ends the scene. So, I can get away with being spanked longer, even when I protest and whine, and still have some way of actually ending things when the “stop"s I yell become a little more real.

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