What is your darkest fantasy?


I think I’ve answered this before on here, but my answer may have changed. And, the thing about this fantasy is that part of me thinks that there’s no way I could ever possibly do it. Logistically, it doesn’t really work. And, I mean, emotionally and mentally, it would be incredibly draining.

But, sometimes I think about myself being tied up and just kind of being put away somewhere dark and small until people are ready to take me out and use me. Similarly, glory holes. Similarly, blindfolded gang-bangs. 

The emotional impact would be, obviously, incredibly severe. Especially with the whole element of mystery of the second two. But, to be reduced to just being used as a method of someone pleasing themselves, I don’t know, it does something to me.

I guess part of it is the degree of letting go it requires and the trust involved. I don’t know.

<3, Ivy

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