
Dearest Tumblr,

(Please feel free to skip. This is a rant and a little too TMI)

I am not a doctor. I don’t really know much medically. But let me tell you a little something about a drug called Chloroquine. 

It’s used to prevent malaria. I took my first Chloroquine yesterday with my lunch, as instructed. My stomach hurt a bit, but I was told this would happen. I proceed with my day normally and was fine. Then, at three in the morning, I woke up and got sick. I never, ever do that. Really.

I got incredibly cold. I was trembling harder than I have ever before. I literally could barely walk and I managed to go to sleep. I wake up a few hours later and cannot even bring myself to leave bed. I have to force crackers down to keep from getting sick again. I chug a gatorade (yuck) and my friends take me to a diner where I manage to get some eggs down.

I send an email to the woman who prescribed it to me with a ton of enthusiasm. I google the drug and speak to montecervesa, who is seriously a wealth of knowledge and was a huge help/provided a ton of support. Google and The Count agree, Chloroquine is a horrifically bad drug. People would rather get malaria than take these pills. I had a huge list of pills I could’ve possibly taken and this woman gives me what appears to be the worst.

She responds to my email really blandly and says she’s going to prescribe me more pills. I google this brand. It looks just as bad. I send back something that may have been a little bitchy, but I’m tired and I have to work 9 hours and gosh darn it.

Thanks for listening.

<3, Ivy

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