You wanted something moving? Try “The Oval Portrait” by Poe. It is a short story and google is your friend. It has a strong master/slave dynamic. Her dedication to him. In some ways it reminds of me of the film ‘The Red Violin’.


My gosh, how many anons are there prowling this baby? Or are you just one big amorphous anon?

It’s funny. I read it and I didn’t feel the passion and dedication that you seemed to hint at. I didn’t see the master/slave dynamic, which is weird, since I see it in a ton of stuff. Sure, I saw her dedication, but I mostly saw his neglect. Maybe it’s the fact that the story was so short. Perhaps if it was longer, I’d have a much more romantic opinion of it. The idea itself is incredibly romantic and beautiful. The delivery? Just sad.

Although I must admit Poe’s meditation on the interplay of art and life is quite clever. I’ll give him that.

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