
Both before intake and after those rare occasions when treatment is deemed complete, the Institute keeps tabs on its prospective and retrospective subjects via personnel in the field. Thanks to the advance of technology such as webcams, GPS tracking, and activity bands, this process is now easier and more comprehensive than ever, but written documents such as Outpatient Surveillance Report 5A-244 still play an important role in building up a clear record for assessment, diagnosis, and intake–or even re-intake, in special cases.

(As always, if you have documents in this vein you’re interested in contributing, the Institute will consider your submission.)


I’m sure you will be grateful to learn that The Institute, as part of its public outreach program, has begun releasing certain forms and documents used as part of its daily work to the public under an open license. Through this new channel, they hope to collaborate and share with like-minded practitioners and organizations, and provide both the hobbyist and the professional with resources they need for our shared challenges. You can now download the first such document, the standard short-schedule intake form 899-72, with the Institute’s blessing.

(Also, if you’re the kind of person who likes to play with git, contributions will be considered.)