

Fuck every single one of you rape apologists. YES people are raped by their boyfriends. It happens all the fucking time. In fact you’re far more likely to be raped by your boyfriend or husband than some stranger on the street at night. YES sex workers are raped. The fact that our culture dehumanizes sex workers makes them more vulnerable to rape, and also to negative backlash if they speak out against it. Any rhetoric that sounds like “what did she expect” or “are you sure it was rape” is cruel and ignorant. You know rape when you feel it. You can’t fucking forget it. No means no. A safe word means stop, it means this is not safe. Silence and limp lifeless lack of response does not mean yes. It does not even mean maybe. Anyone who does not follow those rules is a rapist. Sex with out consent is rape. Regardless of the fucking details.