Behavior control case file #214: Sam. Subject was recommended to the Institute by a number of former partners, as part of our new pilot program to identify undiagnosed problem patients at large in the community. Subject has reportedly been manipulative, dishonest and selfish to a pathological degree, particularly in her sexual dealings with others.
Sam needs to internalize the lesson that attempting to simply take what she wants will lead only to pushing it further away. The most obvious reward to be withheld is orgasm, of course; upon admission she is to be strapped down and stimulated to edge four times per hour by orderlies for forty-eight hours, at which point sleep deprivation and denial should make her more pliable. However, food, water, and pleasurable bathing rights (as opposed to the nightly hose-down) should also be used to demonstrate this principle.
Regular treatment will consist of a series of frustration bondage scenarios like the one depicted above. In addition to regular exposure bondage, subject’s hands will be wrapped in duct tape to reinforce the uselessness of manipulation. Electrostim pads will be applied to the inner thighs to keep muscles jerking and prevent the subject from sitting still; a powerful vibrator will be lowered to rest against the subject’s vulva, but any movement–such as the jerking produced by the stim pads–will cause the wand to bounce and swing away before gradually returning, then beginning the cycle again.
Orgasm under these circumstances is extremely unlikely, and Dr. Y has a hypothesis that the subject will remain at high edge in this manner for potentially weeks. Subject will be given opportunities to apologize, recant or beg only after at least ten days of treatment; until then she is to be tape-gagged, with a small cloth scented from her cunt and stuffed in her mouth, replaced at one-hour intervals.
When the tape-removal process reveals that the subject has become an incoherent, desperately begging mess, she will be permitted to request forgiveness from each of the former partners she treated poorly; only upon their unanimous consent will she be moved into recovery. Otherwise, return her to the treatment cycle, possibly with added nipple or anal stim.