
I can’t seem to help having orgasms when I play with myself, but having orgasms turns me off to anything sexual for a random amount of time and it’s very frustrating because I’d much rather be easy to turn on and frustrated, at least sometimes, but I just can’t seem to do it.

So instead I keep having orgasms, even when I’m not that horny, and it just ensures that I never get that horny. Like, my libido is already like 1000x lower than I’d like it to be, I should be doing whatever I can to help boost it. Not the other way around. Sigh.


One of the best/worst things for me is not letting myself reach the edge. Because if I edge I’m almost guaranteed to say “screw it” and let myself go over. But if I don’t edge, that option is suddenly not available to me. Not to mention the edge brings a degree of relief in itself, so, you know, even more frustration! I just. Slowly get more horny. I can just have a pillow between my legs and not even grind against it, and look at porn and stretch my whole body every once in a while, and it’ll just drive me more crazy than anything.



So I can’t draw to save my life. BUT. I’m actually considering doing a series of one-shot stories for Kinktober!

I dunno, it may or may not happen, and I know I’m really late to start. I just haven’t written anything in forever, and I’ve never tried my hand at writing porn before, but I feel like it might be kind of a fun way to get back into writing! It might not all be sexual but definitely kinky.

So I created a literotica account. My username is Astharel. I’ll keep you guys updated if I post anything to it! I really want to. Disclaimer, it might not be great, as I haven’t written in ages.

Whatever happened with your content blog? 😶


Hi Anon,

I’m keeping it, and will very likely post to it again sometime, hopefully soon. It just takes a lot of energy, it’s hard for me to get shots that I really like, and like I say on the blog, it’s kind of experimental for me.

So, nothing really happened with it, except me being busy and not super confident with my body. I do plan to keep it up, though, and add new content with I can.