JuNO 1st Update!


Day 1

So, sorry I didn’t post this yesterday! I was with a friend for like 24 hours lol so not much time. I played a looooooot during the first half of the day though, I basically spent all of Day 0 and Day 1 like way unusually turned on, it was just there buzzing in the back of my mind all day. There’s something about making that commitment to not have orgasms that really ramps it up, hehe. (Again, to my irl friends that are on here, I am so sorry).

Day 2

Aaand then my period started today, and I’m really just not in the mood all that much : but I’m trying to play a bit today anyway! Chilling with a butt plug right now (b/c honestly that’s become one of my favorite toys), and I managed to get into one of my favorite videos and have some fun a little earlier ^^ I guess that’s about all for day 2, I’ll probably get close a couple times before I go to bed to stay on top of things. 🙂 More updates to come. Probably not daily but at least highlights!