Its the first time I have liked a guy beyond the physical- don’t want to freak him out, but I know if I can’t have the BDSM it’ll be tough to be faithful (I’m a horrible person). He knows I’m kinky (switch) and he’s kinda subby but 95% vanilla. Is it hopeless or should I give a shot to the one person who has made my heart flutter? He is not open to an open relationship (and on some level neither am I)



I believe you should always pursue the things that make you happy. 

I believe that you should always share those things with your partner. 

I honestly believe that not doing so destroys relationships. 

If you go into this relationship and give up something you love for your partner, there is a high probability that you will come to resent them because they are the reason you gave up something you love. 

And the worst part is, they could have come to enjoy it had you given them a chance. 

Don’t make that mistake. Give it a shot. 

If it doesn’t work out, then you keep looking until you find someone that makes your heart flutter “and” has a dungeon in the basement. 

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