
There’s a strange relief in the feeling that summer’s only just begun.


I’ve been in one of those moods lately where I just want to spend an unusually long amount of time worshipping a cock.


This looks cute, home made and improved. It inspires me to think that Internet porn is making the world a better place.
Keep trying new things kids!



“Let’s go for a walk,”

I said, “the river is beautiful when it snows.”

You agreed, and we bundled up to face the wind. As we were about to head out the door, however, I pulled you aside.

“Today, I think I just want to enjoy the scenery,” I said as I produced a ball gag and padlock from my coat pocket, “There’s plenty of time for conversation when we get back.”

Your eyes grew wide as I pulled the scarf away from your face, slipped the gag between your teeth, and locked it in place with a satisfying “tink” before carefully arranging your scarf so as to hide the gag from prying eyes.

“There, don’t you look beautiful?” I inquired. You replied with nothing more than a muffled groan, but it was too late, we were already out the door.

I took the lead and blazed a trail through the slush covered sidewalks over to the coffeeshop. Just a few blocks away, it was a short detour on our walk to the river.

Despite a muffled protest, I led you inside. “Can I get you something?” the barista asked.

“I’ll have a large coffee, um, black, and she’ll have a hot cocoa,” I replied, looking at you.

The barista then turned to you and asked, “Do you want whipped cream on that, darling?” You nodded silently and then indulged me by turning six shades of red.

The rest of the walk to the river was relatively uneventful. Not many people were out enjoying the snow, preferring, apparently, the relative comfort of a sofa and fireplace to the damp squalor of freshly salted sidewalks. Along the way I attempted to make conversation, saying perhaps, “See how that icicle is reflecting the light?” or, “I love their holiday decorations,” but you never offered up much of a response, other than a glare or a finger pointed at your mouth. “What a tough crowd,” I’d then say, prompting, of course, another piercing glare.

To Be Continued

This is the kind of stuff I want but I am entirely too shy to ask for.

And also a little too shy to endure.

I love the superfluous lock. It’s not like she’s going to be at liberty to be able to take this thing off in public anyway. It adds that extra sense of the loss of control that makes it really, really hot.


There’s no feeling like waking up from a lovely evening to find snow on the ground. Now just to get my heater working.