
So, some of you have been asking why I only seem to post about Switch dominating me. One, I haven’t had much time to sit down and write out what we’ve been up to. Two, gosh, I don’t know, it still makes me blush a lot.

I’ll fill the air by saying that I’m sometimes surprised how easy it is for me to dominate someone. I find submitting much more rewarding, but dominating comes fairly natural to me. While there have been a few teensy hiccups, I think I can attribute my success to having seen it from the other side and being able to discern what works and what more or less doesn’t.

Also, I may just be really, really mean. Because, it’s sort of funny. My persona when I dominate is always vaguely amused. I laugh a lot. I speak sweetly, I tease. It might be the fact that he could probably kick the crap out of me for half the stuff I say to him and doesn’t. And that’s control on the part of both involved parties.

I think the best way to describe what I’m like when I’m on top is vaguely within the lines of what some people describe as a babydomme. The word “Daddy” never comes into play, but my voice is almost always sweet, I giggle a lot, it all comes off a little bit precious. I think it’s that, honestly, with my size, I’d look a little absurd if I were yelling or too overtly cruel. And I’m plenty cruel, I just do it with some giggles thrown in. Which, honestly, may just be a little crueler.

So, yes, I’ll get to stories. I promise. You’ll all find out how positively mean I am.