

“How do you survive this world?” She asked.
“I have been many women, and each one comes out to play at just the right moment,” I said.



What I wore to last night’s @tdgpresents Winter Quarterly 

~please leave caption

My GOSH wherever did you get that dress? That neckline/collar has become my ambition in life.

It’s only poly problems…




…until you go on a date with a cute guy in the same poly community as you’re kind of in and then can kiss him because you’ve got the same cold.


Srsly? Call me old fashioned, but when I’m sick, I keep it to myself. being poly shouldn’t be an excuse to share a disease. :/

Oh my good actual WE HAD THE SAME COLD. 

He and I both got this cold from separate contact with the same person. We also were about four days deep, so the period of peak contagiousness was basically closed. We’re both also 99% recovered now.

The joke was that being poly got us all into this situation in the first place. As in, patient zero (if you will) was is in my “poly community” and by the time she started showing symptoms, a bunch of us had already gotten it from contact with her. I hadn’t even messed around with her, I just got it from hanging out.

I’m not out in the streets like, “hell yeah sharin’ partners sharin’ diseases. All us non-monogamous people gotta sneeze on each other more often.”



Oh my goodness what’s going on, what day is it?